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Between the Drops” was a competition by the Architecture Department in Bezalel, in special collaboration with the Bernard van-Leer Foundation and the Ministry of Health. The competition was created for young architects and designers who were asked to propose a rethinking of the way in which Baby Clinics (“Milk Drop”) are planned and designed throughout the country.


In order to produce a visual representation that will appeal to a target audience of architects and designers, we have developed for the various categories of the competition a uniform system of symbols, based on the shapes a drop and multiple outlines, in a way that portrays the drops in a cradle and a parental nature. The combination between the iconic drops and different compositions of lines created a graphic expression for relatively abstract concepts such as “development” or “comfort”.


Another effect of the use of multiple lines is their ability to express architectural values ​​such as depth and physical spaces. Another prominent element of the project “Between the Drops” was that it was trilingual – from the project’s logo to the various typographic challenges throughout its applications.





Bezalel Academy


Motion ,UX/UI, Design



In order to produce a visual representation that will appeal to a target audience of architects and designers, we have developed for the various categories of the competition a uniform system of symbols, based on the shapes a drop and multiple outlines, in a way that portrays the drops in a cradle and a parental nature.