The color on this site is determined by the weather in Tel Aviv, the current temperature is:


The “Color” exhibition opened in the summer of 2024 at the Holon Design Museum. The exhibition seeks to explore how we understand, perceive, and interpret color and colorfulness, which are usually dependent on time and place, tradition, and culture. Over 35 Israeli designers from various disciplines were invited to exhibit existing works, alongside creating new works for the exhibition. Among the works displayed in the exhibition, there is also our “Flag of all Flags” project, which we created in the studio in 2021.


At the beginning of the work on the branding for the exhibition, we asked ourselves – what is color? In its physical definition, color is the refraction of light rays. We took the prism, which is an angular object made of glass, whose structure breaks down a single beam of light into the entire spectrum of colors. The prism was our visual inspiration – we broke down the concept of color into all its shades using vibrant gradients.


We designed a trilingual logo for the exhibition that celebrates the color spectrum and serves as the basis for the graphic language and its various applications. The colors spread in a soft and rich transition, showing how an entire world can be created from a single beam.


Large exhibitions like “Color” at the Design Museum are aimed at a wide audience of various ages, therefore we decided to create an accessible, clear, and uncomplicated design language.






Design Museum Holon


Branding, Print Production, Exhibition Design



We designed a trilingual logo for the exhibition that celebrates the color spectrum and serves as the basis for the graphic language and its various applications.

Large exhibitions like “Color” at the Design Museum are aimed at a wide audience of various ages, therefore we decided to create an accessible