The color on this site is determined by the weather in Tel Aviv, the current temperature is:


We found Professor Yuval Noah Harari’s article, that was published on Haaretz in March 2023, to perfectly articulate our thoughts and concerns regarding the government’s so called “Judicial reform”. We felt like his messages must reach a wider audience, specifically gen-Zs that are more likely to watch a reel on social media than read a newspaper article

We edited the article in order to create a collage-styled animated video, consisting of A mixture of photos, illustrations, and big typography. The video was A huge success, with thousands of shares and more than 500,000 views on different social platforms (and an additional unknown number on Whatsapp).







Animation, Illustration



We found Professor Yuval Noah Harari’s article,

that was published on Haaretz in March 2023,

to perfectly articulate our thoughts

The video was A huge success,

with thousands of shares and more than

500,000 views on different social platforms

We edited the article in order to create a collage-styled animated video, consisting of A mixture of photos,

illustrations, and big typography.