The color on this site is determined by the weather in Tel Aviv, the current temperature is:


SafsarX is a digital platform for ethical ticket resale. The platform was created in order to solve everything problematic in the existing marketplace (mostly Facebook groups, and websites that don’t make enough efforts to create a safe procedure) – fake tickets, double-selling, getting stuck with tickets for a show you can’t attend, etc.


During our research and strategy building process we found that most consumers fears can be narrowed down to what is generally known as “ticket scalping”. Therefore the strategy and copywriting we have created was made to create a strong sense of positivity, community, and trust between users – a place where “scalpers” or “scalping” have no room – we named it SafsarX (“ScalperX”).


.The visual identity is poppy and inspired by stickers and patches, when some of our digital stickers contain witty takes on popular Israeli songs



High tech





Print Production, Signage, Copywriting, Illustration, Brand Strategy, Social Media



The visual identity is poppy and inspired by stickers and patches, when some of our digital stickers contain witty takes on popular Israeli songs

Therefore the strategy and copywriting we have created was made to create a strong sense of positivity, community, and trust between users